What Is Hygiene? And Importance Of Personal Hygiene In Human History:

Hygiene means to take care of your body, which includes a regular taking bath, shaving, and dental cleaning. Hygiene means to clean your surroundings as well. Every day there are millions of germs surrounding you are ready to attack you and can make you sick if you don’t care about your personal hygiene. Every person uses different products for their personal hygiene like a cotton swab, soaps, shampoo, and Towel (ผ้าขนหน which is the term in Thai).

To protect yourselves from severe illness and infection personal hygiene is the best practice.

History Of Personal Hygiene:

The word hygiene is derived from a Greek word Hygeia. Hygiene becomes the center of the battle against illness and diseases at the beginning of the industrial revolution when the germ theory came into existence and later, it became more strong in the middle of the nineteenth century.

In ancient Israel, people used to clean themselves And in ancient Greek people use clay, Pumice, and ashes to clean themselves.

In the middle of the 18th century, people started using toilet flushes, and they started using the latest tools and methods to clean themselves. Because at that time they got aware of the importance of personal hygiene.

Importance Of Personal Hygiene:

No one can deny the importance of personal hygiene. It is important for personal and social environments. Personal hygiene involves the cleaning of the body, mouth, and head to prevent any infection, viruses, and diseases. Personal hygiene is not only good for your well being but also for the peoples living around you.

Body secretion, sweat, dirt, and food contaminants in one’s body can make a person ill. Implementing policies that make a clean stay not only avoids this spread but also provides additional personal and social benefits.

Personal hygiene is necessary in every stage of life so a person should make it a habit to avoid any inconvenience.